

VIDYARUPA’s Book of Exam Tips

With your exams fast approaching, we have put together some exam tips that would ensure that the hard work that was put in during your course pays off in the final showdown. Our tutors and students have identified areas they think are to be focused on and also have come up with tips that will help you prepare.


  • Avoid studying at the last minute; Do it well before the exam date.
  • Taking a revision course is highly recommended.
  • Familiarize yourself with the exam structure, syllabus, regulations, etc.
  • Plan your preparation in advance by setting achievable targets for each day.
  • Make sure you understand the key points, concepts, and models.
  • Refer questions from the previous year.
  • When in doubt, ASK.
  • Have a clear idea about where the exam centre is located so that you get there with plenty of time to spare.
  • Make sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam.
  • Relax! It will do you a world of good.


  • Take 15 minutes of time to read through all the questions.
  • Divide time equally between similar questions.
  • Make sure that you understand the question clearly and its requirements before answering. Pay extra attention to recommended topics
  • Start with the questions that you are confident and comfortable in answering first.
  • Attempt to answer all questions. In case there is no time left to answer a question fully towards the end, write down the key points so that the examiner sees that you have an understanding of the topic and might help to earn an extra mark.
  • Quality is what matters, not quantity; Focus on the main points while answering the questions. Make sure you don’t fill up the pages with unnecessary information.
  • Make sure that your answer is related to the question.
  • Spend a minute planning your answer, write a short plan of your answer and follow it thereby keeping it simple, but organized and structured.


  • Review your answer for mistakes. If you feel that an answer can be improved, do it if time permits.
  • If you have another exam, get some rest and prepare for the next one.
  • Whew! The exam is over. Enjoy!!.


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